28 February 2008

Black Crowes Vs Maxim

As an aspiring journalist, it would be rather weird if I didn't comment on the ongoing Black Crowes Vs Maxim row over a review of the former's latest album, even though the latter only heard one song. Unfortunately I haven't read the review because it's the US edition of Maxim.

The problem is though, this sort of thing isn't new. I remember a couple of weeks ago whilst reading the NME to find that The Feeling's new album got given a 2/10. The very brief review then told me that the record label didn't send the publication a copy, hence the low score.

Different bands will take these kind of things in different ways. One review is not usually the only opinion of a record and there will be other media publications that will think differently. Even with The Feeling. I would imagine that most bands would shrug off these reviews quite swiftly and just carry on with life.

Morally it is wrong to review albums based on little knowledge of what it sounds like, and in the case of the Black Crowes I sympathise with them hugely. But sometimes, when record labels are too scared to send a review copy to a publication for fear of getting a bad review, then doesn't that tell you all you need to know about the record in most cases?

PS - If anyone does know where I can read the review, please comment and tell me!

The Black Crowes


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